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Featured Photographer - May 2017

Anyone that knows me, knows that the first time I went to Japan, I felt like I had gone home and every time I leave is like leaving the place I should truly be.

These photos aren't of spectacular shrines, or epic vistas (there is not a mountain in sight). Instead they are of homes, streets, dilapidated buildings and ordinary people because these are the little quirks and details that I love about Japan.

Small town Japan is represented here and I feel just as at home here as I did in the cities. There is a peace in Japan that is like none I've ever experienced anywhere else - even in the busiest subway, there is a sense of calm.

Travelling is a very individual thing. I don't believe any two people do it in the same way. Personally I like to spend as little time as possible at the tourist attractions (usually because I find them often alarmingly underwhelming - the Colosseum for example?...meh) and more time walking the back streets of a very small town, or exploring the less shiny and new parts of a place and seeing how other people really live.

Japan, for all it's wealth, modernisation and newness, has an age to it that belies its exterior and when I travel there, it's that that I feel connected to.

~ EO

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